Gentleman’s Box Review: Monthly Subscription Box for Guys

Hello GB. My girlfriend bought me a subscription for Christmas and I have had very mixed emotions about your subscription box. First of all, I love the concept itself. Love the fact that every month has a “Christmas Morning” feeling. I look forward to the box, look forward to seeing what surprises await me … It’s really a great feeling to know that once a month, I’ll have something unique and probably something I wouldn’t have bought for myself. I mean, in part that’s what the holidays are about, right? If you received everything you NEEDED for Christmas, where’s the fun in that? The holiday gift giving should be more about fun, excitement and things you don’t really need — but rather want. (hint: nobody wants a vacuum cleaner for Christmas)

So you nailed that, Gentlemans Box. And some of the products are wonderful. Specifically, December’s box. I loved it. The tie was awesome (wore it by itself with my Christmas jammies! Socks, soap, all that was good stuff. Tie bar…. Who doesn’t need one? But this is where the wonderful ended. Yes, it ended with my first box.

January’s box was okay — Again, lip balm and socks – great. Lapel Flower? Eh. But okay. And a sports watch? Maybe…. I’ll do with it…….

Then came February’s box. ANOTHER lapel flower? Who needs one, let alone two? Maybe the guy who wears ties all the time. I can see maybe in a year getting another one, but back to back months??!? And another tie? Guys, I just don’t wear THAT many ties. I get it – some people do. But have a little more creativity would ya? Spread it out. Don’t give me two ties in two months.

And now for March’s box. Another pocket square? What the heck am I going to do with this? I may be a gentleman, but who needs these? Again, if I dressed up in a suit more, I can see that. But i’m a modern gentleman. I like style and dressing up in my button down shirts and oxford shoes like the rest of them …. but I just think you guys are missing the mark in the creative department. I think you’re relying on too many of the same types of products and not enough diversity. You’re alienating the guys who want to look and feel good — but don’t necessarily wear lapel pins or pocket squares.

My girlfriend asked if I wanted to continue and the answer is “yes”… with a strong asterisk that says that if I get another lapel flower or a pocket square, I’m done.

Please work on your creativity a little more and open up the gentlemen to wider variety. Please.

Thank you for your time in reading this.

-Dennis Crawford

Gentleman’s Box is a monthly subscription service where products are delivered every month to your door, hand selected by them.

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