
The Best Selfie Stick Ever!!!

I have two other selfie sticks that I’ve purchased for $20+ while on vacation. I was chosen to receive one of these for free or at a substantial discount in exchange for my unbiased honest review. Girlfriend: “You already have two of these, why would you to try out another one?” Me: “Because the ones I have stick sometimes when you raise and lower it and this one looks much more sturdy!!”

So, one was sent to me to review. I unboxed it and at first glance I was impressed. Very impressed. It felt very strong, but not overly bulky. Each section twists to lock/unlock that particular section at a specific length. It also collapses very easily, doesn’t “stick” the way the others did. Easy to pair, was SIMPLE and quick. It comes with a great little bag to put it in, and it’s SHORTER than the others when fully collapsed.

The phone actually is held in with a very simple and rock solid bracket. Very nice design!!

Bottom line: I threw both my other two away and will be using this selfie stick exclusively!! It is the best selfie stick, ever.

You can buy it for yourself here at Amazon.com


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