Handcrafted Habanero Burning Love Hot Sauce

I love hot sauces. I love going to Mexico and trying all kinds of different sauces. I was provided an opportunity to receive a bottle of this for free or at a substantial discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. I can’t think of a better person for that task than me!

First off, it does have low vinegar content. It’s more of a full rich taste than some other brands. It doesn’t have that TWANG that you sometimes get. But make no mistake, it’s hot. Hotter than I had expected it to be. But that’s what you get when you have something that’s called “burning love”!!!!

It’s a balanced flavor, though. Goes good with BBQ sauce – makes a nice fire BBQ when you mix it together. You really taste the blend of peppers… It’s really quite nice. I would even mix it with queso (I am going to try this!) to make a spicy nacho sauce for my chips!

It’s handcrafted in the USA and it’s DEEEEELICIOUS. Go ahead and try it. It’s addicting!  All natural and Vegan, too!  Blend of Habañero, Jalapeño, Fresno, and Thai Chili.

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