Rants and Raves

Best Buy #Fail at Customer Service

Dear Best Buy. This is why I just don’t think you quite “get it”. For being a technology sales company, you miss the mark on your own infrastructure that ultimately leads to poor customer service. Today I purchased 2 pairs of 3D Glasses for my Samsung OLED 4K TV. Boom, check inventory. Select store pickup. Order. Voila. This should be where the story ends, but it doesn’t. I get a confirmation email that my delivery date is now Friday and it will be shipped to my house, despite checking inventory and selecting the store pickup option. I try to modify my order (which was a selection) to pickup in store, and it said I couldn’t and to call the customer service number. I then call and speak to a woman who tells me that I must have selected the wrong option. I assure you that’s not true. She then says that it must be because there’s no stock at Destiny USA‘s Best Buy location. I say “are you sure about that?” She says that it would have appeared on her screen if there was inventory. So i went to put through another order just to test it out – and it again said that I could pick it up at the Destiny mall location. Frustrated, I asked her to just cancel the order to which she says “well, normally once an order is placed for a shipped item, we can’t cancel or modify it.” She could tell what was going to happen next so she said she would try. Finally, she said she was able to cancel it and I thanked her. Got in my vehicle and drove to Destiny USA. Imagine my surprise when I found (2) 3D Glasses sitting on the shelf… Absolute incompetence in the Best Buy Customer Service and Online Ordering Systems. I take my purchase to the front and I just happened to feel a little frisky – so I pulled one of the customer service people over and explained the situation. Another woman came over and tried to give some crappy explanation as to why this may have happened. I laughed and said “uhhh, no.” Then I go to pay for my glasses at the register… and wouldn’t you know it… the stupid $10 rewards certificate that I had used on the cancelled order still shows as already redeemed…. The same guy from the front desk came over and started to say “well, it takes sometimes up to a week before they’re credited back to your account….”
Yes. I understand that, but under normal conditions where it’s not the retailers fault… Completely agree with that statement. But you’d think that after the experience I just went through maybe they’d extend a courtesy or ANYTHING for all this aggravation…
Nope. And I will tell you that the only reason why Best Buy continues to get my business is because we don’t have a Fry’s Electronics or a JR’s or any other electronics store. Maybe Circuit City will come back and put these clowns out of business.
And if this post wasn’t this long already, I’d tell you the story of my TV purchase which is equally laughable… Oh Best Buy…