Kids Guide To Polar Bears Book!

What kid isn’t interested in Polar Bears?  We had just watched the movie “Norm of the North” so the timing was perfect for this book.  They sent it for free or heavily discounted in exchange for our unbiased and honest review.  Well…. the little one loved it!

He asked so many questions about Polar Bears during the movie that the book could just have easily explained.  And once we read it to him, he was even more intrigued!  “where do they live?” “what do they eat?” All these questions are answered in the book in a kid-friendly straight forward manner that keeps them engaged and entertained.

Did you know they can hold their breath for 3 minutes under water?  You will once you read the book!

Informative and Educational.  This is a great book to stimulate the minds of your child.  Get this book and teach your kid about the wonderful world of Polar Bears.  They’re cool, after all…


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