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Great hand soap for automatic dispensers!

Soap is soap, right?  WRONG.  I have invested a lot of money into automatic soap dispensers (rechargeable ones, not hand pumps, from simplehuman if you must know) as I really don’t want to put my hands on a pump to dispense soap – especially if they’re dirty or i’m working with raw meats in the kitchen.  I even have an automatic faucet in the bathroom, but that’s another story entirely.  But a lot of soaps are TOO THICK and get clogged in the soap dispenser.  And of course the maker of my soap dispensers wants me to buy their soap, which is very expensive.  Needless to say, i’ve  been searching for a soap that’s lighter and flows more easily out of the soap dispenser for quite some time.  I was sent a bottle of this Cove Lavender Castile Soap at a substantial discount in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.  I figured if it worked, great.  If it didn’t, it would be like most of the other soaps I’ve tried.  Plus it’s pure and vegan and has lots of nice oils in it… and it’s made in the USA… so why not try it?

I’m very glad I did.  Here’s why – it definitely flows considerably better than any soaps I’ve tried in these dispensers.  Hands down.  But it’s not too liquidy either.  (if that’s a word!)  It has a rich lather for being so easy to dispense…. and the smell isn’t over powering.  It’s mild and very nice on your skin.  I wash my hands a lot and it doesn’t dry them out either!

I read that there’s tons of uses for this soap – so maybe I’ll try it on my clothes or whatever, but I can tell you that I do love this soap for everything I’ve used it for so far.  I’ve tried it to shave with, on my body and hair after a day in the pool… Everything this soap does, it’s done very well.  Highly recommend it!!!

Available at Amazon.com


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