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Survivor X Premium Pen Sized Fire Starter

This is for when you really need to make fire.  Survivor style.  You’re in the middle of nowhere.  No matches.  No zippos.  No lighters.  No fuel.  No nothing.  But you need to make fire to survive.  What do you do?

You take out your pen sized portable premium fire starter, that’s what you do!  Survivor X nailed it with this contraption.  It’s sturdy construction, it’s built like it can withstand just about anything.  You’ll know that it’s there when you need it most!  It has compartments that hold your cotton fuel in place, another that hold your magnesium rod (with protective coating) and your metal scraper.  All in a very compact form factor.  It’s pretty neat.

Just scrape off the protective coating and you’re ready to go.  Start scraping the magnesium rod downward towards the cotton and in no time you’ll have fire.  Think of this like flint on steroids.  If you were ever on the CBS TV Show Survivor maybe you could sneak this on, it’s so small it fits in your pocket!

I received this for free or heavily discounted in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.  Doesn’t matter though – I think this is a fantastic product and I’m bringing it with me to the South Pacific the next time I go so I can start fire easily!  Perfect for camping, boating, hiking, wilderness survival, and MORE!

Check it out on Amazon.com

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