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X-bet Ceramic Magnets 50 Count

How do you review magnets?!? Seriously.  Either they work or they don’t.  I’m serious here!  I was selected to receive this 50 count of magnets for free or heavily discounted in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.  Well, let me let you in on a little secret… I wish I had received these a month ago when I needed them the most!!!!!!  I went out to 3 different stores and wasn’t able to find magnets anywhere….. I wish I had thought of looking on Amazon.com for this!!!!

I was trying to do a little solar panel experiment thanks to my buddy Brett Neff and Neffsolar.com who has a solar charger for cell phones.  I wanted to get the solar panel off the ground and needed STRONG magnets:



The chip clip just wasn’t doing the job!!!

Here’s where having this type of magnet is helpful because I would have used magnets to hold the solar panel onto the umbrella and it would have been a huge success.  But instead, I had this ugly chip clip solution.  So let’s get back to the magnet review which really I don’t have much more to say.

There is 50 of them in the pack!! 🙂  More than you’ll probably use in a lifetime.  Give them to your friends, parents, grandparents, whoever!  You can post your child’s artwork on the refrigerator door, you can hold things up in the garage, there’s SO many uses for these magnets.  Just buy the pack already.  You can find uses for magnets that you never even considered before.

Check out the #XBetMagnet at: Amazon.com


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