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Most Amazing BBQ Grill Cleaning Brush, EVER!!!

I grill a lot, and not just in the summertime.  I BBQ every chance I get!!  There’s just something about cooking over an open flame that tastes better.  My grill gets very dirty and needs extra care in cleaning!!  Well, I have finally found the perfect BBQ grill cleaning brush!!

I had a great grill brush before, I actually spent $15 at the place I bought my high-end Weber Gas Grill and have had my old grill brush for a few years.  I used to skimp out and buy the cheaper brushes but a few times the brush “needles” have come out into my food!!!  I have since moved to the more expensive “roll” style brushes because I feel it’s dangerous to use those straight bristles — I do NOT want to ingest metal!!!

Then I had an opportunity to purchase one of these Hillpow BBQ Grill Cleaning Brushes at a significant discount in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.  I honestly didn’t think it would be better than my old brush  (that I love!) but I was wrong.   First of all, this brush has 3 brushes!! NOT ONE BUT THREE!!! 3 individual rollers that clean the grill so quick – so well – it’s crazy.  This brush makes my old one look like a toy!!  It’s sturdy, cleans well, does everything you need a grill brush to do – including cleaning inside of the grates with ease.  See the picture, you’ll see my old brush on the left and this new one on the right.  You’ll see how much better this one is!  Even though I purchased this at a discount, make no mistake that these words and experiences are my own.  I have no affiliation with the company other than I was able to review their product – and their brush works great!  I highly recommend it!!

See the product at: Amazon.com


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