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Antibacterial Microfiber Cloths Kill Germs Bacteria

When one of your closest friends is diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, it’s a huge deal.  With her suppressed immune system, she is constantly using hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, and other things to kill germs, kill bacteria, kill viruses.  I wanted to do something nice for her, so I bought her these antibacterial microfiber cloths from Zombie Cloths! (you can find them at zombiecloths.com).  If anyone you know has Stage 4 Cancer (or ANY CANCER for that matter) these are a must have!!!

I did my research on them – and while I bought them for her to kill germs (as an alternative to chemical cleaners) – there’s TONS of more uses for them.  You can polish metals even – stainless refrigerators don’t stand a chance!!  I figured her whole family could use them to wipe down door knobs, countertops, walls, anywhere germs and bacteria can hide.  I almost want to use the soft microfiber when I detail my vehicle!!! They’re really super soft and won’t scratch surfaces.

How she is using them is just apply a small dab of water – not wet, just a little damp.  It seems to work like a charm!  I’m not a scientist but the results look pretty conclusive:

I bought mine on Amazon, a 6 pack of 12″ microfiber towels for $24.89  – pretty good price even if I used them for auto detailing!! But I was happy to buy them for my friend in the hopes that it would keep viruses, germs, and bacteria away from her since her body simply cannot handle them anymore.

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