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Disc-O-Bed Camping Home Bed Bunk Bench Cot

I just built a clubhouse which is a very unique recreational “man cave” if you will, and I needed a portable temporary bed / cot to use out there when someone decided to spend the night. I wanted something durable, easy to assemble, and easy to store.  Space is at a minimum – think of it as a tiny house.  Small houses are the rage right now — personally, I don’t think I could live in a tiny / small house – but that’s what this clubhouse is really.  It’s like a separate man cave!!!  And it needed a unique sleep system that’s as unique as the room itself!!

I did my research and came up with the disc-o-bed (disco bed is a really funny name, I admit!)  I wanted something versatile that could be used in a variety of ways.  Discobed to the rescue!!!

The discobed arrived quickly and I was surprised at how compact it was.  It wasn’t overly heavy, but it did feel like the pieces were high quality and built to be rugged without being too bulky.

Easily and without any tools, the bunk bed was assembled in no time. Everything clicks together, and while it definitely would be easier with two people, it wasn’t a huge deal to do myself.  The wheels are separate from the poles but lock into position.  The poles come apart for easy disassembly and storage.  The top bunk has an extension piece that you can actually not put in making the disc-o-bed two separate beds instead of a bunk bed!  With space being so limited in the clubhouse, the bunk bed will be perfect when there’s two people spending the night!

It converts to a bench too equally as easy.  Just take the top bunk long roller pole and move it down to the first bunk and you now have a portable couch! I will say, though, that pillows are definitely needed for any extended laying back… it’s not something that I would spend much time on without a pillow or two in back of me, but that’s a minor issue.  If I’m sleeping on this portable bed, I’d be having a pillow anyhow!

Don’t mind the cute poop emoji pillow! 🙂 This bunk bed is extremely strong – while you might think it’s for kid / child sleepovers, think again.  Each of the 2 bunks can hold up to 500 pounds.  To test that theory, my good friend Brian decided to give it a try.


And you might think, “that’s great… but he’s not on the top bunk… what about that?”

Again, Brian to the rescue.  He said he felt perfectly fine up on the top bunk.  I decided to go in the bottom bunk… and when 2 full size large adult males were on it, it was perfectly stable.  Rock solid.  Plenty of room on the bottom bunk as well!!!


There’s a carrying bag so all the pieces / parts fit perfectly in there so you can take it with you on the go – if you were going to the beach, or camping for example.  There’s two separate carry bags, so if you’re only bringing one disc-o-bed with you, you don’t need to take all the pieces.  The bag is very well made and easy to carry.


Oh and I forgot to mention, there’s a front pocket that you can put all your items in to keep them safe… empty your pockets so you don’t wind up with your change all over the place!  Even a beverage can be held in there!!!! Yes, a portable bunk bed with a cup holder.  Discobed has thought of everything!!!


And lastly, this is how I store my bed, in the loft of the clubhouse. Sure, I could put the bed frame in the bag, but I keep it out as well as the poles and wheels so it’s even easier to grab down and set up in just a couple of minutes.  For my application, it’s easy to do it this way, but to be truly portable, just put it in the carry case bag.


It even stores in the loft perfectly without disassembling.  I cannot say enough about this truly remarkable portable sleeping system.  It really is a couch, bed, and bunk bed all in one.  Use it for unexpected (or expected) guests, kid sleepovers (or adult sleepovers when someone has had one too many especially!), parties, lounging by the campfire, camping, heck I would even bring it to the beach!  If you’re spending the night at someone’s house, put the disc-o-bed in your car and instead of sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress with springs that get you right in your back, sleep on the discobed.  Honestly, it’s way more comfortable than it looks – if i’m being completely honest it has far exceeded my expectations!!! The use and functionality of this product is outstanding.  HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

See my Youtube Video at https://youtu.be/_4fSq5yZVKA

Check out their #getoutthere page at: http://www.discobed.com/getoutthere

And of course, buy this incredible Disc-O-Bed at: http://www.discobedshop.com/

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