Antibacterial Microfiber Cloths Kill Germs Bacteria
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Antibacterial Microfiber Cloths Kill Germs Bacteria

When one of your closest friends is diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, it’s a huge deal.  With her suppressed immune system, she is constantly using hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, and other things to kill germs, kill bacteria, kill viruses.  I wanted to do something nice for her, so I bought her these antibacterial microfiber cloths…

#‎pckt‬ Microfiber Stainless Polishing Cloths Review

#‎pckt‬ Microfiber Stainless Polishing Cloths Review

Ugh!! My new range hood is stainless – i thought “hey, let’s get something modern!” and I’ve regretted it ever since. The old one was the run-of-the-mill crappy colored metal – and I never had to worry about fingerprints. The worst thing about stainless appliances are that finger prints are so easy to get on…