Electric Hair Straighter Straightening Brush

Although my girlfriend has thick hair, this hair straightening brush does a pretty good job of taming her hair.  She admits that it’s not the same look as when you use a traditional straighter — but it definitely does a pretty darn good job —  especially when time is limited!!

It’s easy to forget that this is an electric device and just start using it as a regular brush… don’t do that.  You might accidentally get a little burn — it’s definitely not as hot as a regular straightener — but be careful with anything electric!

Overall, it does a mighty fine job in a short period of time.  If you have thinner hair, it might do a better job straightening it – but it’s worth the price for sure.  This product was sent for free or heavily discounted in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.  That has no effect on this review and isn’t factored into the opinions formed by using this product.

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