#‎pckt‬ Microfiber Stainless Polishing Cloths Review

Ugh!! My new range hood is stainless – i thought “hey, let’s get something modern!” and I’ve regretted it ever since. The old one was the run-of-the-mill crappy colored metal – and I never had to worry about fingerprints. The worst thing about stainless appliances are that finger prints are so easy to get on and hard to get off. Until now.

This polishing cloth is great. It takes elbow grease, but it works … and works well! You dampen part of the cloth, rub with the grain and then buff to a shine. The results are instantaneous! But yes, you do need to put some effort into it — fingerprints are notoriously impossible to get out. But with these cloths … all you need is a minute of your time and voila. Sparkling shiny stainless steel!!!! They’re nice and big so you can wet just a piece of the cloth and use the rest for buffing. I received a sample of this product at a significant discount in exchange for a 100% accurate and honest review. I have no affiliation with the company and my review is purely unbiased. I absolutely recommend these polishing cloths to anyone!!! See my picture below of where I had just started polishing on my range hood if you don’t believe me. Seeing IS believing!!!! Left side is polished, right side has fingerprints. Microfiber Cleaning Cloths for Polishing Stainless Steel Kitchen Appliances & Streak Free Glass 3pk


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