Deluxe Cook V-Blade Mandoline Slicer Review

I had one of these Mandoline slicers years ago that I bought from the state fair and it never quite worked right. The old saying “you get what you pay for” comes to mind. It would clog and jam up, I would invariably cut my fingers (yes, they’re very sharp so BE CAREFUL!!!) and there was no handle so it kept slipping around when trying to slice up veggies. Very frustrating to say the least…

I ended up throwing it away and never wanting one again. The idea of NOT breaking out my food processor, though, is very appealing…. But not if there’s no other really quick and efficient way to slice up food. I figured I’d give this a try as they would send me one for free or heavily discounted if I could provide an unbiased and honest review of the product. Let me say my impression of a Mandoline Slicer has changed based on this product. It’s much better than what I had and makes quick work of prepping food for cooking. Comes with all the necessary blades to slice up peppers, onions, carrots, potatoes, you name it… and all the blades fit together nicely in a compartment. The regular slicing blades have the thickness (in mm) on them which my old one didn’t…. so it makes it easy to pick the right blade you need for the job!!

The handle makes it easy to hold onto, the “holder” where the food goes (whatever it’s called) has a “push” on it so you can keep pressure down and the food continues to extend forward. Nice feature.

Overall, it makes food prep a lot quicker and easier. Definitely recommend this for anyone who does any amount of cooking. Saves lots of time!


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