TriNova Tire Shine Spray – Wet Slick Black Tires!

Everything I’ve used from TriNova has been fantastic!  Seriously great.  Nevermind the fact that I received it for free or heavily discounted in exchange for my honest and unbiased review… I would tell you straight up if it didn’t perform well.  And every single product that I’ve received (3 of them so far) I’ve been a HUGE fan of.  In fact, my sneakers and tires have never looked better!  Oops, I let the cat out of the bag…..  Well, now you know what I think of their Tire Shine Spray!!!

It goes on easily, spray it on and you just let it sit for a bit – then wipe off to a nice incredibly rich looking shine.  Now here’s my issue with ANY tire spray… it sprays and ends up all over your driveway.  The popular “wet” brand especially makes an oil slick look on my driveway.  So I’ve invested in a little brush applicator that I bought at my favorite auto store.  I spray this TriNova Tire Shine Spray right onto the applicator and then use that to apply.  Boom.  No more driveway slick.

And what I love about this product is that it lasts.  Even after a rainfall, it’s still on there.  Even after a light washing it is too.  It looks so nice and even without looking like it’s just oily greasy – which isn’t a great look for any vehicle.  Looks like you’re trying WAY too hard.

TriNova made a fantastic slick black tire spray at a good price.  I highly recommend this product!!

Check it out on:


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