Stove Stoppaz Protect Your Stove From Gas Leaks
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Protect Your Stove – Kids Pets Accidentally Turning On Gas

Protect your stove from accidental gas leaks!  Keep your kids and pets safe!!!! Yes, it actually happened to me… I was standing in the middle of the kitchen with a friend and she goes “I smell gas!!!! Is there a leak?!?” Sure enough, the dog had jumped up and just accidentally turned on the gas…

Bikini and Bra Laundry Bags – No washing damage!

Bikini and Bra Laundry Bags – No washing damage!

This is the first major breakthrough in “special care” laundry! We travel a LOT and also have a lot of opportunities to wear bathing suits – so bikinis get a ton of use. Not to mention I’m constantly washing bras and other unmentionables. It takes it’s toll! Especially when you don’t have enough laundry to…