Cast Iron Skillet Handle Cover Review

Very helpful to avoid burns with cast iron skillets. I should know… i burned myself once on one and IT HURT!!! BAD!!

I was sent one of these for free or heavily discounted in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. That has no effect on my review as I have no affiliation with the company at all.

These are pretty good skillet handles, not the best, but pretty good for the money. They work well, mind you… they protect your hand from the heat nicely – and that’s their main purpose. Made of high quality silicone it feels like. I had no issues whatsoever with the pan becoming too hot while holding it.

One design flaw though… when you pre-heat a cast iron pan, you put it in the oven to let the metal heat up. That part you don’t need the skillet handle cover for. But when you take the pan out of the oven or broiler, you certainly do. Put your food into the pan / skillet. And then place it back into the oven. Here’s where the design flaw comes in. Because it’s silicone / rubber feeling – it has a good grip. So much so that it was difficult to get the handle cover OFF THE PAN when I put it back into the oven. And it’s not like I can touch the pan to help get leverage to get off!!! This is only applicable to people who pre-heat skillets, but it is a point worth mentioning as it was frustrating to get off the preheated pan!!

However, for the final skillet removal, it was fine obviously.

Otherwise, it’s a great little inexpensive handle cover that will save you from getting burned!!!

I give this product 4 STARS out of 5.  It’s still very reasonably priced, though…

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