Isinlive Universal Socket Wrench Power Drill Adapter Set 7mm-19mm

Isinlive Universal Socket Wrench Power Drill Adapter Set 7mm-19mm

I was installing a TV Mounting Arm and needed a couple bolts tightened in the process of installation.  I had no idea what size they were and I had just purchased this Isinlive Multi-Purpose Socket Wrench Adapter that’s adjustable all the way from 7mm up to 19mm.  I decided to see how well it would…

Magnetic Bottle Opener for Fridge or Wall Mounting
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Magnetic Bottle Opener for Fridge or Wall Mounting

Sometimes in bars, space is a premium – especially if you’re in your home bar or man cave. I know when I built the clubhouse, I wanted everything to be precise and perfect so as to maximize the inside space. Nothing unnecessary was to go into the clubhouse! I found this magnetic bottle opener which…

Cinema Light Box Speech Bubble USB Powered Light-Up Sign
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Cinema Light Box Speech Bubble USB Powered Light-Up Sign

How cool is this #cinemalightbox SPEECH BUBBLE from #frux !??!?! Comes with 3 markers (dry erase style, so any will work) and the caps double as erasers! I found that paper towels work just as good, if not a little better. The light up board is plenty big, large enough to make elaborate sayings or…

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Watercolor Paint Set for Kids and Adults

Watercolor painting is extremely old, dating perhaps to the cave paintings of paleolithic Europe, and has been used for manuscript illustration since at least Egyptian times but especially in the European Middle Ages. However, its continuous history as an art medium begins with the Renaissance. The German Northern Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528), who painted several fine botanical, wildlife, and landscape watercolors, is generally considered among the…

Antibacterial Microfiber Cloths Kill Germs Bacteria
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Antibacterial Microfiber Cloths Kill Germs Bacteria

When one of your closest friends is diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, it’s a huge deal.  With her suppressed immune system, she is constantly using hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, and other things to kill germs, kill bacteria, kill viruses.  I wanted to do something nice for her, so I bought her these antibacterial microfiber cloths…